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Confession time: I have had a preview copy of this album for well over two weeks now, and should probably have dropped this review at least last week. But there’s a problem, a big problem. Generally speaking I’m a slacker and it doesn’t take much at all to distract me away from what I’m supposed to be doing. For example if I go to pick up a book to simply put it back on the shelf it could take over an hour as I’ll probably read a few chapters or at least pour over the pictures. You get the idea. This is very much the case with Dignan Porch latest offering ‘Observatory’. Every time I put it on and sit down to write about I can’t do anything other than just that, sit back and listen. It’s so laid back and chilled I find it hard to do anything else.

DIGNAN PORCH è presentato in Italia da HEY MAN BOOKING

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